The meaning of Memorial Day

The meaning of Memorial Day

By Kailey Schuyler
Published: May. 31, 2022 at 10:45 AM GMT+7|Updated: 2 hours ago

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) - Memorial Day kicks off the summer and for many, it’s a time to gather with your family to celebrate being together. It can also be a very emotional day because not all families can be together.

Jim King, the Chief Programs Officer at Still Serving Veterans says sometimes people can forget that this is a day to observe and remember those who gave it all for our country. So, it can be disrespectful to say Happy Memorial Day to some.

King says it can be a very tough day for his Still Serving Veterans comrades because they all know someone who lost their lives in battle.

But, living in Huntsville helps.

“I had an opportunity this morning to go out and place a wreath out at the park downtown and it was just phenomenal. The support we have here in Huntsville is just amazing. I was surprised as warm as it was the number of people that were out there. They were out there for the right reasons. They were out there to remember those who gave it all for their country.”

King says in the midst of celebrations it is important to reflect on the true meaning behind Memorial Day.

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