The previous seasons of Succession have primarily focused on the Roy siblings — predominantly Kendall (Jeremy Strong), Shiv (Sarah Snook), and Roman (Kieran Culkin), but also their older half-brother, Connor (Alan Ruck) — and their ever-shifting relationships. They have been allies, adversaries, and each other’s support systems, sometimes all at once. While Season 3 largely saw Kendall in opposition to Logan — and subsequently, Shiv and Roman — the trio of siblings finally came together in the Season 3 finale after it emerged that their father was agreeing to a buyout that would threaten their current and future positions within the company. They hatched a plan to invoke a clause in their parent’s divorce contract that guaranteed them a vote over company control, but before they had a chance to confront Logan, he had already renegotiated the divorce terms, effectively shutting them out. This will likely strengthen their allegiance to one another going forwards as they begin to realize the sheer extent of Logan’s puppetry over them.
So for now, they have a common enemy — but what if Logan dies, especially without naming a successor? In a perfect world, their grief and love for their father would unite them and help them understand that there are more important things to life than power. A more realistic scenario is that this would disrupt their already fragile rekindling and see them turn against each other even further. As so far, the conflict between the siblings has been highly driven by Logan’s machinations, it would be fascinating to see how he continues to influence them in death and whether, for better or worse, this would be a turning point for the Roy kids.
So for now, they have a common enemy — but what if Logan dies, especially without naming a successor? In a perfect world, their grief and love for their father would unite them and help them understand that there are more important things to life than power. A more realistic scenario is that this would disrupt their already fragile rekindling and see them turn against each other even further. As so far, the conflict between the siblings has been highly driven by Logan’s machinations, it would be fascinating to see how he continues to influence them in death and whether, for better or worse, this would be a turning point for the Roy kids.
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